Construction Site Hoardings

Hoarding on construction sites is a temporary structure that surrounds the perimeter, keeping workers and the public safe while work is ongoing. They are a cost-effective and practical way of screening off an area that is being worked on, but keeping the surrounding space accessible and safe to those who need to use it. They help to prevent unauthorised access and contain the noise and mess from the construction site. Simpson Group’s design experts have over 50 years of experience and can help you create a range of print marketing campaigns from eco-friendly large poster printing to hoarding solutions that grab attention and get people talking.


Construction hoarding is usually made from boards constructed from plywood or some kind of metal such as aluminium that is rust-resistant and will create a strong and secure screen capable of withstanding challenging weather conditions, making it a cost-effective security and safety option.

Custom printed hoarding can also be used as marketing tools with hi-res graphics printed on them showcasing your brand or the project that’s being worked on. The hoarding that surrounds building sites can be used to communicate details of the project, timescales and who to contact in the event of any problems.


Need construction hoardings that are both functional and visually appealing? Look no further than Simpson Group.. From simple to complex projects, we’ve got you covered.

Our design experts can help you create premium quality construction hoarding boards that will provide the temporary structure your project requires to promote the privacy, safety, and security of everyone. Get in touch with our sales team today to find out how we can create top-quality construction site hoarding for your project.


    Hoarding Signage FAQs

    What is hoarding printing?

    It is the process of digitally printing graphics onto building site hoarding panels, or boards to be used to section off an outside area. The panels are erected side by side which can create a large visual display that can be used for marketing campaigns for the construction project or other sponsored events.

    Do advertising hoardings need planning permission?

    This will depend on the guidelines for the local authority in the area where the printed hoardings are going to be and other factors such as their size. Most planning authorities will view construction site hoarding as an integral part of the process. However, if the hoarding construction is used to display logos or advertisements and promotional messages, advertising consent may be required.

    What are the two types of hoarding?

    Building site hoarding is usually made from either timber or metal panels. Both options provide a secure and sturdy temporary structure that is key to preventing unauthorised access and keep passers by and construction workers safe.

    How are hoardings printed?

    Building site hoarding is usually made from either timber or metal panels. Both options provide a secure and sturdy temporary structure that is key to preventing unauthorised access and keep passers by and construction workers safe.