Turning On The Talent | Simpson Group

Turning On The Talent

Turning On The Talent

“Print companies were not on my radar at all in terms of a career choice. While I was still at university I spoke to a number of companies but was pointed toward the Simpson Group where I saw there was an in-house software development program that I would be getting involved in, which sounded very interesting.” By building strong relationships with local educational establishments it is pulling in people that otherwise would never have thought of a career with a print company. Sri Kataram and Adam Riddick are proof positive. Both are IT/software development specialists who have been directed towards Simpsons by Teesside University, where the group’s ever strengthening relationship with computing sciences lecturer Barry Hebbron in particular is really paying off. teesside Read the whole article in Image Reports digital edition.
Simpson Group

Established in 1972, Simpson Group has been providing an award-winning point of sale print for the biggest names in retail for the last 50 years. We’re constantly investing in pioneering technology and client-benefiting services to ensure we are the market leader in cutting edge POP & POS. We are even home to Europe’s only simulated shopping mall – Influence Mall!

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